Relevant actions to reduce your company’s environmental impacts.
Climate change is showing its effects in different parts of the world and is undoubtedly one of the greatest threats that humanity is facing. The clock is ticking and the urgency to reduce our carbon emissions is growing. According to the latest IPCC report, to reach the target set in the Paris agreement, to limit global warming to below 2˚C; preferably to 1.5 ˚C relative to pre-industrial levels, we must reduce current emissions by 43% by 2030 and by 2050 neutrality must be reached.
There is no doubt that these goals are ambitious, and that while there has been significant progress towards the decarbonization of human activities, the year 2030 is fast approaching, and so must be our response and action to achieve this goal.
First of all, it is important to emphasize that the best starting point to determine actions to reduce our carbon footprint is to know it!. If we calculate our carbon footprint and know the activities that generate the most emissions, we will know where to attack.

That is why we encourage you to take this step and calculate the carbon footprint of your organization, starting with the simplest information that you certainly have at hand, such as the electricity consumption of your facilities.
We also suggest you the following actions, which can be applied by the vast majority of companies or organizations, and which in many cases are quite simple. We hope you find these tips helpful!
1. Energy efficiency
- Conduct an energy audit of your facilities, identify the points of highest consumption and establish a plan to replace energy inefficient equipment.
- Evaluate renewable energy self-generation options; it is a worthwhile investment. Or start by contracting a renewable energy supplier.
- Sensitize your employees to save energy, something as simple as unplugging your computer at the end of the day can have a significant impact.
2. Climate control
- Analyze the air conditioning needs of each area of your facility separately.
- Perform regular maintenance of your air conditioning equipment, as well as a plan to renew the less efficient ones.
- Find a pleasant working temperature that does not require too much air conditioning, according to the season.

3. Transport and mobility
- Minimize business travel and take advantage of the countless digital tools that exist today. When these trips are required, consider options for public transportation and extending your stay at the destination.
- Develop a home office policy that adapts to everyone, many of your employees will appreciate it.
- Offer benefits to your employees to move around by public transport or by bicycle.
4. Waste and water consumption
- Discriminate waste correctly (in Barcelona, for example, this could mean up to a 70% reduction in emissions associated with your waste).
- Install water flow reducers where possible.
- Try to provide as many kitchen utensils to your employees as possible to reduce the use of disposables. Start by offering water and eliminating plastic bottles.
5. Suppliers and services
- Prioritize purchasing products of proximity.
- Contract external services that demonstrate rigorous environmental policies.
- Work with your suppliers to calculate and reduce their own carbon footprints.
Remember that mitigating the effects of climate change requires everyone’s commitment and collaboration. At Pax# Genuine Tourism Advisors we are available to guide you and assist your organization in the process of calculating and reducing its carbon footprint.