Conducting a benchmark study of sustainable tourism strategies, and an inventory of best practices in Spain to contribute to TURESPAÑA’s international communication strategy: “Spain, a destination committed to sustainable tourism”.

The Challenge

TURESPAÑA, the national organization responsible for the promotion of tourism in Spain around the world, appointed us to carry out a comparative study of strategies and an inventory of sustainability initiatives in the Spanish tourism sector. The work would be part of TURESPAÑA’s international communication strategy: “Spain, a destination committed to sustainable tourism”, and would help to identify the main strengths and weaknesses of the destination in terms of sustainability.

The consultancy service had to include four differentiated contents:

  1. An international benchmark study or comparative analysis of sustainable tourism strategies carried out by international destinations.
  2. A national benchmark study or comparative analysis of sustainable tourism strategies carried out by Spanish destinations.
  3. A selection of a minimum of 40 Spanish tourism companies, which are a reference for sustainable tourism.
  4. A selection of best practices or initiatives in sustainability in Spanish destinations, carried out by public tourism organizations.

The Process

To comply with efficiency in the deadlines set, the Pax# team was organized into working groups, and each of the four contents assigned by TURESPAÑA was led by a different member of the team. This person would be responsible for carrying out the corresponding analysis in an efficient and correct manner.

The four contents to be developed were grouped and delivered in two different reports:

The first report compiled an analysis and comparison at the national level of sustainable tourism strategies of all Spanish destinations (autonomous communities), and also an analysis and comparison at the international level of sustainable tourism strategies of 10 international destinations, considered as referents in tourism sustainability or competitors for the Spanish market. All destination strategies, both national and international, were analyzed on the basis of different areas of sustainability, which also included aspects of its communication.

The second report compiled an inventory of sustainable tourism experiences and initiatives in Spain, from both the public and private sectors. In this sense, it included a list of 65 tourism companies considered as referents in tourism sustainability throughout Spain; and also, a list of 59 sustainable tourism initiatives and experiences in 45 Spanish destinations, from public tourism organizations.


Sustainable tourism strategies analyzed.


Sustainable tourism initiatives and experiences identified in Spanish destinations.


Leading companies in Spain identified with sustainable tourism practices.


Throughout the process, weekly follow-up meetings were held with the TURESPAÑA team, which helped to generate consensus and validation of the results obtained, clear up doubts, and contribute to a fruitful process for both parties.

The good organization and coordination of the Pax# team made it possible to carry out this study within a month, in which the good disposition and cooperation between team members were key to the success of the project.

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