Creation and design of the tourist destination brand.

The Challenge

To design a tourism brand that reflects the values and attractions of the destination and contributes to its positioning.

As part of the first actions resulting from the Strategic Tourism Development Plan 2018 – 2022, the design and creation of the brand that will represent the tourist destination of Premià de Mar, Barcelona, was developed.

Development of a participative brand workshop with different representative agents of the territory, in which the strategic aspects for the new brand identity are worked collectively – brand driver.

Development of three creative brand concepts to adjust the best-desired positioning based on strategic assessments.

Selection of the final concept and look & feel adjustments. Development of the Basic Guide to Brand Standards.


Participatory workshops.


New brand values.


New brand vision.

The Process

After the creation of the Tourism Development Plan of Premià de Mar (2019-2022), the need to work together with local stakeholders in the definition of a tourism brand that can project all the values, attractions and identity of the destination, while differentiating it from other territories with similar resources, was identified.

For this, a workshop was performed with the local stakeholders to assess the different demand-attracting elements, key attributes, and desirable aspects of the new identity.

Then, sketches, design tests and prototypes were made, until three creative concepts were achieved, which were finally submitted to the City Council for consideration.

Finally, the final concept was selected, the appropriate graphic adjustments were made, and the Basic Guide was developed.


A brand requires a positioning effort, and a general recognition of a set of values and principles. A brand has to be created in an organic and harmonious way, involving all stakeholders who commit themselves to an identity and concept, while coordinating and promoting actions to achieve a positive, joint and beneficial image for all.

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